Friday 24 June 2011

Incandescent light bulbs

Today's energy saving light bulbs are bad for your eyes. They flicker at great speeds and are very dim. They should bring back the old lightbulbs.

Thursday 23 June 2011

The EU

Joining the EU Was a silly idea. The pound is still beating the euro and by joining the EU, Britian is bound in chains of EU law. Britian should just break away from the European Union. EU legislation costs around £6bn a year.

Saturday 18 June 2011


Borrowing money is silly. It just gets you into debt and eats up your money. Getting bailed out doesn't help either. It just gets you into more debt. It would be better if you just rent a house for so long and then you get it. If you also want to leave that house, you can leave it any time without paying extra money.
If the country wants to get out of debt quick all the mortgages, loans, and other debts should all be paid to the government instead of all the banks getting the money. You should own houses and expensive things by renting them for so long. borrowing should become illegal. It got us into debt.
The Conservatives shouldn't blame Labour for getting us into debt. when Conservatives came into power there was a small debt compared to the one today.

Thursday 16 June 2011

Animal Welfare

The UK has Animal welfare people will cause and are the cause of the horrible lives of some animals (mainly pigs and chickens). It is the animal welfare authorities that have banned the use of the old version of chicken cages and are hoping to ban cages all together. In the original cages, the chickens were much happier than those in free range, barn or organic farms.
In free range farms, too many chickens are housed in one coop causing all the chickens to be very stressed. The chickens' wastes also burn the chickens. Most of the free range chickens stay indoors most of their lives and don't bother to go outside. The same is of barn and organic chickens. In organic chickens also, the chickens aren't allowed certain vaccines other chickens can get. Also, the organic diet doesn't do a chicken well. They still haven't bred a successful organic breed.
When in a cage, a chicken likes it when people pass by their cages. They chickens are not at all stressed and in the UK, the cages are large enough for them. ( that's if cages are still legal) However, the new cages have perches which causes the chickens to break their legs when they jump off them. Also, since humans want cheap eggs and meat, you can't complain how animals are treated, unless you raise your own chickens.
With piglets, their tails and teeth have to be cut off else the piglets will savage each other. The mother also has to be kept in a cage where she can only stand up and lie down so she wont squish her piglets. If pigs were kept outdoors, they would ruin the land. Although this seems cruel, it is actually for the best, both for the pigs and the humans.

Monday 13 June 2011

Environmental Laws

The UK is in the top 20 clean countries of the world, ranking at 14th. In comparison the USA is not in the top 20. The environmental people anyway should not be caring for the environment if they believe in evolution, for Charles Darwin wrote in his book about the "survival of the fittest" If humans are the fittest, then why shouldn't humans follow what their instinct tell them. After all, if humans want to survive, they have got to beat the animals in the competition for the fittest.
On the other hand, if environmental people believe in Creation, then they know that they have dominion over everything in the universe. Since God has given the world to Christians to look after, then we should look after it wisely. Though, going to extreemes about the environment misses an important point. Some environmentalists go to the extreemes of "save the trees & kill the people". People are the most important creatures in the universe in God's eyes. If environmentalists don't think they are the most important creatures, then they should SHUT UP! If they don't believe they are important, then they should think themselves just as normal animals which have no say in the world.
Environmentalists are all worried about global warming. They are afraid that too much CO2 will cause the earth to have a greenhouse effect. They are scared about flooding of the Earth. Why do they believe thre is going to be a flood, when there is more evidence for the Worldwide Flood of the days of Noah, (fish fossils found on top of mountains, pillow lava on top of mountains, historical evidence, and the fossil record,e.t.c.) then there is for Global Warming today.
I am not saying we are not to care for the enviroment, but I am saying that people are the most important creatures in the universe and people's needs should be thought of BEFORE the environment.

Thursday 9 June 2011

Cut the Red Tape and Save the Trees!

I think it is ridiculous the way you can't just set up a shop in the UK. Lots of politicians make rash promises to "cut red tape", but in the present age, there has been no law past that takes away 99.9% of the red tape.
There is no need for legislation anyway (according to Gulliver's Travels .) Legislation just binds up the citizens of a nation so tightly that if they can't fit into a 1mm X 1mm box, they will be shoved by the lawmakers of the country. In the process they will break all the poor citizens bones and let them die. Legislation is worse than any weapon known to man. It stamps out a person's freedom and crusheses them so much that they can't win a war against Syria. It would be a lot simpler if the laws of the present were like this.
Q: Is Syria killing his own citizens?
A: Yes
Q: Will Britian declare war on Syria?
A: Yes
If laws were like this and we got rid of the UN security counsel, dictators would be out of their countries in no time.
Tax Legislation should be like this.
Q: How much does Parliament want to tax its citizens?
A: Tax the rich and don't let them escape through loop holes. Invest the money in Heath and Education and Welfare, instead of pouring money Parliament doesn't have into expensive science exploration such as the Big Bang Machine.
Parliament should also gather all the tax information in the census forms. Then citizens would be able to fill in the tax forms at the same time of the census. Parliament should also placea limit on what you can earn so that wealthy people have to invest their wealth into the economy and millitary supplies of their nation.
I have stressed a lot of strong points, but if I didn't mention any at all, no one would no how our Parliament ought to change.